Thursday, March 7, 2013

Beginning our journey

My mother Ann and I are on a health-restoring journey in Bulgaria at Pearl Lodge, a hotel high up in the Rhodopes mountains near the town of Smolyan. After 24 hours of travel that included an arduous 3.5 hour drive to the hotel from Sofia airport, we were utterly exhausted having been unable to sleep at all on the plane.

With both of us dealing with our own health challenges, we together decided to go the unconventional route of using MMS under close medical supervision to see if it would help boost our immune systems, and thus have a healing.

I have had Type 1 diabetes for 21 years, and after many years of research and trying nearly everything I could to heal from it, I came across MMS. I found reports of other Type 1 diabetics who took MMS that said it helped lower their insulin needs. Much is unknown about the cause of Type 1 diabetes, but it is known that there is more than one cause, including scar tissue, inflammation and even viruses.

According to those working with MMS, there is about a 50% cure rate with Type 1 diabetes when the MMS protocol is administered, which indicates that those cured may have had the type of diabetes caused by a virus, which is one of the many things MMS helps to eradicate. When I say "cured", I don't mean that the MMS itself is curing anything, only that it rids the body of all pathogens, bacteria and viruses, etc. so that it boosts the immune system, thus enabling the body to heal itself now that it's free from those burdens.

I have no idea if I will be cured but it's certainly worth a try. My goal is to document this so that if there is any major change in my health condition, others can be inspired by it and have hope for a healing from their own health issues. I also wanted to help those who are considering coming to this Bulgarian health restoration center know what to expect when they do come.


1 comment:

  1. The lady next to me on the plane to day was a Bulgarian flying back to Sofia-- I told her my friend was there now. I didn't realize the purpose of your trip (I was thinking Bulgarian is part of your ancestry, but I may have that confused), and I'm eager to see how everything works out. I hope you find success and I'll be praying for you.
