Monday, March 18, 2013

MMS Seminar and update

The last four days or so have been spent hunkered down in the hotel due to two solid days of non-stop winds, rain and new snowfall followed by two full seminar conference days.

I've been doing well, slowly upping my dose, but I've gotten to the point where I really can't handle the taste of the MMS drink anymore so as of today, I've started activating the MMS with the 50% citric acid solution in a little dish, then using a dropper to transfer the activated MMS (MMS1) into an empty capsule. I quickly close the capsule, put in my mouth and chase down with a glass of water so I don't even have to taste it. Hallelujah! I don't feel any nausea but I can feel it doing its work in my body. For anyone thinking of trying this, you must make sure to use capsules that won't melt so quickly as you're putting liquid in it. It is such a relief for me not to have to face the dread of drinking the stuff every hour.

As mentioned earlier, we had some crazy inclement weather for a few days, starting with thunder, lightning, rain and wind that melted half the snow, seemingly rushing in spring, only to be followed by more wind, colder temps and fresh snow that added about 2" to the ground. Everything was white again with newly formed ice on top of the small lakes. Being from southern California, it was exciting to experience such ever-changing weather and watching the cloud wisps move swiftly over the slopes of the mountains. We even had a brief power outage in the middle of the night.
After the snow storm the next morning. PH: Ann Huisman

We just spent the last two days in the conference room and basement of the hotel being trained by Doug and Michelle to know the ins and outs of MMS, CDS, the protocols and more. It was jam-packed full of information and I feel much more confident in myself knowing what to use for different health issues. I highly recommend these seminars for anyone wishing to become a health minister to help others or those just simply wishing to become more knowledgable about MMS and its applications.

On the first day, we learned all about what MMS and CDS were and how to make the different solutions and protocols as well as the terminology and metric measurements. We were also taught how to start and administer the protocols and what symptoms to look out for when determining whether to change the dosage. Michelle had each of practice making some the protocols and administering them to ourselves so we knew what it felt like. We put the solution in our eyes, nose and ears, as well as brushed our teeth with it and made the gas to put in our mouths. I swear my vision was MUCH crisper and brighter after putting the drops in my eyes! Michelle said that most people say that as well. We also talked about different instances where MMS/CDS helped heal people, including breast cancer (considered easy-peasy to get rid of, according to Doug) and a major improvement from autism. DMSO, zinc oxide, Aztec clay and other things were taught in how to use in conjunction with MMS/CDS.

We found ourselves down in the basement of the hotel on the second day, learning how to make from scratch MMS, CDS (one with a 50% citric acid solution and one with a 5% hydrochloric acid solution), 50% citric acid solution and 5% hydrochloric acid solution. It brought back memories of being in high school doing lab experiments in science class. The scenario in the basement wasn't much different, with the hot plates, funnels, bowls, gas masks, gloves, tubes and beakers being used. It was pretty fun! At the end of the day, they sat us down for a little test of several case scenarios asking what kind of protocol we would do to help that person. The great thing is that there really isn't a wrong answer and a lot of us had our own approaches to each situation, but there's certainly more effective methods than others.

I feel much more equipped with knowledge now on how to help myself, my family and friends now and am amazed by the efficacy of MMS, etc. Thankfully, they gave us a workbook with all the information they taught us that I can refer to along with the many notes I made in it. Below is our class and teachers (minus two others that were in attendance):

On a side note, we've been enjoying watching these puppies and their Mama from our window. Unable to resist holding a puppy, I went downstairs to go outside and see them. They were only about five weeks old and ultra cute. They've been weaning the puppies, getting them ready for new homes. Here they are:


  1. Thanks so much for the informative update. You will be ready for anything now!

  2. Wow you are learning so much! Oooh the puppies are So Cute !!

  3. I am so grateful to you - thank you S !

  4. No update for a very long time. What happened with your treatment?

